Operation: BE FIT!

This year part of my New Years resolution is to exercise and at least try to be fit. Start of February I started going out having long walks with my Dogs and few jogs. Well, baby steps right? At least now I’m going out of my room. Lol

I’m trying to be fit and gain few muscles to have shape. Actually I’m fine with my weight the problem is I have a big belly and I don’t have any shapes of muscles in my body. That is what I want to change. I want my body to be fit and be confident about it. I want to be one of the guys who can be shirtless and not be conscious about it.

On my first Pay I bought a pair of running shoes. Wow I didn’t know that running shoes are quite expensive. I don’t have any running shoes cos I dont really exercise, the last time I had exercise and used running shoes was when I was in College in my PE Class. LOL

It already been years since I had any exercise so this is going to be a struggle to me but I always keep myself motivated. First week was hard, my feet hurts and they feel so sore. I got a fractured bone in my left leg when I was a kid and I can still feel pain when I jog or run. My cousin told me to buy a support, its like a garter or latex that keeps my whole legs covered and tight (I forgot what it’s called) . It was so hard, I can feel my legs so sore but I kept pushing myself.

I don’t have weighing scale at home to really track how much I’m loosing or if I’m loosing any weight at all. But I started doing exercise with the weight of 154.32lbs. I hope I lost a weight even just few but I already felt small changes on my body, I can feel my muscles tighten and I dont easily get exhausted now unlike before. Well that’s a progress. I use Nike Run App to track how much I run everyday and they have this Plan where it will automatically schedules your run and work out depends on what you need. I’m still figuring and exploring the app on how to use it.

It’s hard for the first time especially if didn’t have any exercise for so long but you need to keep yourself motivated. Dont push yourself too much, you’re just starting and you don’t want to abuse your body. If your legs or feet hurts, take a rest and walk. Pushing your body more than it can do might lead to more serious injury. So we better take it slow but dont give up, you already started doing it why give up now.

Planning to hit the Gym soon, I’ll create a blog post about it and some updates about this Operation to be fit.

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